Saturday, November 15, 2008

California and Proposition 8

have tried to keep my mouth shut throughout this whole prop 8 mess, and i guess that's been part of the problem that has caused it to pass. I'm sure many many MANY people where so sure that prop 8 would not pass. So much, that advocates to it tried evr'ything to mislead the California people, just as people against it relied a little too much into trying to run a clean campaign even when the advocates played dirty. Well, it passed, and we are sooo screwed!!!

I have nothing against people's beliefs, and i do not want to put my nose into their business just as much as i do not want them to put theirs into my business, but there is one fundamental fact that really pisses me off, and that is the churches involvement into something sooo political. Had the church not made such a big push by telling people how to vote, I would have been happy with how things turned out, but noooo, priests, churches, evr'ywhere I looked I saw one and another and another Church involved into trying to convince people to vote yes on prop 8. Why is it that the Church cries fowl evr'y time the government tries to do something with it, yet it is OK for them to influence something that has nothing at all to do withe the church? why must they weight their morality into the rest of us? why can't they keep to themselves like they are supposed to? the churches involvement is nothing new, just a few months ago, several churches began trying to influence the political grounds, in full defiance to the separation of church and state.

The passage of prop 8, because of the churches involvement, should be totally ignored, since such a thing poses a conflict of interest into keeping the church and state separate. Prop 8 modifies the California Constitution, banning gay marriage by the state... the state!!!! what the fuck is wrong with that statement? is it because of the fact that the church's involvement into it? you bet your sweet bootee it is!!

How dare the Mormon, Catholic, and any other that I may have missed tell anyone how to live their life? tell anyone what is right and what is wrong? who are they to tell me or anyone else what morality is?

Finally, people are mobilizing, yet I can't help but wonder if we are too late? i hope not, if any church thinks that gay marriage is wrong, I'm OK with that, so long as their beliefs do not affect anyone outside their church. I mean, c'mon!! it's not like allowing gays and lesbians to wed forces them to wed them in their churches, and if a church's land is deemed public? well, though, you don't want gays there? make it non-public!!!

My train of though is not that straight at the moment because I am mad as hell at this blunt attempt to discriminate against people who'se way of life differs from theirs, so they punish them for it, but I will say this, although i do not approve of boycotting businesses that gave for "yes on prop 8", i think it is fair play, since I know that they themselves tried something like that when they found out that Apple and other companies had given money to "no on prop 8" it disgusted me when they demanded that such companies gave equally to their side or else they would publish and boycott them. All I can say is this, Ain't payback a Bitch??

Keep the fight strong and do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let this drop, the separation of state and church MUST be kept or else we will have religion sticking their morality deeper and deeper into the lives of people that may have diff'rent beliefs.

Proposition 8 MUST be reversed.